"So your great aunt sent this cute little penguin to you? I just can't see how he will like it here. It is just too warm."
"This aunt is the smart aunt. She packed him a snow cloud."
"So your great aunt sent this cute little penguin to you? I just can't see how he will like it here. It is just too warm."
"This aunt is the smart aunt. She packed him a snow cloud."
I am not sure if that was my mom yelling or part of the song I am listening to. I am going with it was the song.
Lots of kids get asked this question and lots of times they feel bad because their body isn't stretched up enough. Being stretched is OK, but being compact means you can fit into more spaces. I like being compact.
These two are having an intense game of rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets the car today. The problem is.... all they have is paper!
Her name is Sunny because she has spent several SEVERAL hours in the sun with a special treatment to remove her yellowing. See her original state below!